During Middle School I received quite an amount of awards, some of which were from Essay Contests. The rest consisted of English, Track and Field.
So when there were Poetry classes I had to have my genius mom write one for me and pretend that I wrote it.
Point of this anecdote being, I think one of my brain functions is kaputt. I don't write, appreciate nor voluntarily read poems. I don't know why I have to fool my own senses just because that's what the textbook says. And what's harder than reading the "right" implications and analogies, is how to distinguish well written poems from badly written poems. I assumed that writing a poem is simply = Proper Vocabulary/{Abstractness+(Proper Situation×Randomness)}I still remember this poem I wrote in 5th grade. "Oh the sunset of Uganda
Reminds me of the beautiful rose
Our love never dies"
Then in highschool I attempted to simply raise the level of vocabulary with the Poetry Function, which developed to harbor more randomness than abstractness. Regardless, they turned out to be pretty legit. But they were fancy hollow shells. But stupid people can very intelligently interpret whatever the fuck in their own ways. That confused me. While that could actually be what makes Poetry fun...
I had no passion behind it.. not that it matters.Thus Poetry is not my cup of tea.

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