It is one of the basic, innate instincts for women, at least for the vast majority, to relentlessly desire beauty. Especially in Korea, where plastic women are easily spotted on the streets. However, plastic or not, many women have low self-esteem, which is why they fish for compliments and get emotionally attached when complimented.

Compliments on a woman's appearance are often used in pick-up lines, apparently because women are so easily flattered. I was like that too, but at a certain point I realized how revolting that is. My mom once wrote a book on genders when she was in graduate school, studying Feminism. She interviewed this famous pick-up artist that used to be quite famous. He wasn't as handsome as she expected, but he was chill enough to nonchalantly divulge the secret: Women love compliments. 

When I was younger, I was very vulnerable to compliments too. It is because I used to be fat and got picked on until I lost weight at one point. Currently, I do not easily get flattered. Why? Because now I realize, I obviously did not spend all that time to work out, go through all the years of fasting and constantly go on diets for creepers to easily throw these hollow words at me, expecting me to get flattered...yuck

"I've been keeping an eye on you since the first day we met..", "You are so beautiful.."... These words are meaningless and pathetic unless they are from important people. I think girls should stop being so happy about compliments.

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